2010년 3월 15일 월요일

A Great Blackout in Chile

There was a great blackout last night in Chile. The power cut lasted for hours and almost whole country suffered that. Many people suspected its cause was another aftershock but the government officials said no seismic tremor was observed and the blackout was probably a result of the weakening of power supplying system caused by that terrible 8.8 magnitude earthquake. The repair took a long time because nobody really knew exactly why. Even the first statement of the government was a mere supposition.

As an absolute darkness fell upon the country, lots of social activities were suddenly stopped. A fund-raising TV show for the victims of the earthquakes was suspended. The subway service also came to a sudden halt. Me, too, had to stop reading an history book and was forced to go to bed. It was a little surprise that a football game was persistently continued despite of all the inconveniencies involved. Chile forms, after all, a part of the crazily football loving continent.

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